Thursday, December 08, 2005

Christmas or ChristMiss?

Winter is beautiful...the white dusty snow and colorful lights all and friends come over.. we eat ..we laugh...but WHY?

As I was reading last night all this came to mind after reading this scripture:

"Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the priceless gain of knowing Christ Jesus, my Lord. I have disgarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I may have Christ and become one with Him" Phil 3:8-9

It is all worthless when compared with the greatness of knowing Christ and trusting Him to save us.

What have we molded this "Holiday" to be..what is all the celebration for? Why the wrapping paper, mistle toe, reindeer, where did it all come from? Are we preparing milk and cookies for santa or our hearts for CHRIST. We will be drowning in the world with snowflakes and gingerbread men if we get caught up this season. Let us remember why it all began (ofcourse I am speaking to myself as well). Try and focus our attention on Him the Savior of all. Let us prepare our hearts and our souls and reflect in the days to come. We are to deep into "Christmas" to remove ourselves now, but lets not remove ourselves... let us include JESUS...we need to bring Him back into Christmas and show Him off. Lets bring Him to the malls with us...while we are shopping to buy presents for family memebrs who really dont need more than they already have...including me (thank you Lord for conviction)..but as we do these things let us bring Glory to His name by Blessing others in the simple ways. By holding a door... by not putting on the Holiday "frown" that you see in some faces. Let our faces display the joy we should be filled with inside.

I dont want to Miss Christ.. the birth of my Savior who has given me the best gift I will ever receive which is His Presence and His love every minute of every day....and the best part is it last FOREVER!


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4:41 AM  

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