Thursday, February 12, 2009


I am a worrier. I know where i learned it..and i have tried to unlearn it..but at times it wins. My father and his family are BIG worriers. What didn't help was my dad becoming a paramedic...its a great job, but increased his worrying capacity! When i was 7 he taught me how to give myself an injection..and showed me where the gas mask was..just in case we were ever under attack. So it's safe to say i learned of "worry" at a young age. This past week it seems to have taken over my mind...and at times it becomes stronger that the scriptures i have hidden in my heart. God's Word tells me not to worry...more than once..and in many ways. And i know that i shouldn't...but it finds an opening in my mind..and slowly creeps back in.

So why has it consumed me this dad has Lyme disease and he happen to have a HORRIBLE case of it. For the first year they didn't even know what it was. Finally he found a great doctor in the city...who gave him the correct diagnosis. After watching my father..who in my eyes has always been the strong, smart, and caring paramedic..become weak, vulnerable, and very sick.. I became quite fearful of this disease. Thank God (our Great Physician) father has been on the road to recovery for the past 2 years and is almost back to normal.

So...getting to the point. On Tuesday i was getting changed for the gym..I glanced on my bed and saw something i got closer i realized what it was...a tick. Now being that my husband and i have 2 100lb golden retrievers...a dog tick would be my first guess. But this sucker looked like a deer tick (these carry Lyme)..which should not even be around here in our area. I know.. I know how silly this sounds..but since this event on Tuesday...we have found 2 more of these little crawling fears of mine around the house and on one of the dogs.

So i have been filled with fear and worry...that myself or my husband will find one of the ticks on us and somehow end up sick. It is possible.. not likely...but try telling my brain that.

I have been working on my terrible habit of worry since i became a follower of Christ...and He has helped me through so very much and continues to do so. I take His word very serious and i try to apply it everyday of my life. "Do not be afraid" enters my mind..and i know its important to God to tell us that..cause He says it many times. But it worries me that i continue to worry...and although i latch myself on to God's Word and His wonderful promises...i continue to loose my grip at least once a day..and I surrender to the thoughts of my fears. Then I feel a gentle touch on my shoulder and a soft sweet whisper of His voice...I hear the screaming of my heart "be anxious for NOTHING"...and for the moment the fears fade.

I am able to be the positive support that others needs..and I'm good at reminding others about the powerful use of the scriptures..its seems that i lack at reminding myself.

I always think of a saying I heard "Worry is like a rocking keeps you busy, but gets you no where"...well its been keeping me me busy and getting me no where all week.

Praying to be a warrior and not a worrier...




Blogger Bill Williams said...

it is tough, isn't it? we live in such a negative world and it takes GOD SPIRIT to really counteract all of the negative. i am a born pessemist but i decided that i didn't want to be controlled by the negative so i took control and have done things to counteract the negative. i read the neewspaper from the back. i read a psalm a day. today is the 13th so i read the 13th psalm. there are 150 psalms so if this was the second cycle i would have read the 43rd psalm - the 3rd cycle, the 73rd. i read as many positive books as i can that build my faith. it is hard work but it can be done. GOD uses all kinds of ways to reinforce trust and counteract worry. thanks for your honesty. you are awesome.

7:42 AM  
Blogger Jacquie said...

Thanks Bill! I need to work on my ways to counteract those thoughts..and train myself to be positive. I like what you do with the going to start that today!

Thanks so much for reading and for your encouraging comment! It really means a lot to me!

3:43 AM  

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