I am going on a trip with my husband this Sunday. We are taking a vacation or as other
countries call it a "holiday"...which on a random side note i think is much more fun than "vacation"! We decided for our one year anniversary to go back to the resort in Mexico where we had our honeymoon around this time last year. All in all i am looking forward to this trip...the warm sun..the food..quality time with Abe
WITHOUT my arch enemy...my rival the
XBOX!! I truly believe that the man who created video games did not intend for them to turn into what they have become; brain mushing machines that not only have the ability of eating your brain cells...their other super power is blocking out the voice of the wives talking to the man holding the controller. When i try talking to Abe as he is playing
xbox..i get more of a response from our dogs! But that's a whole other blog!
So anyway...i am looking forward to going on
I'm not really excited like i thought i would be. Maybe because i know we really cant afford it right now...but we are going anyway. Maybe because
I'm terrified of flying and when we land i will be excited. Maybe because i am not ready to put on a bathing suit. Whatever the case may be...i was hoping to feel that "child-like" excitement like i remember getting as a child before a family vacation. Or the feeling that i am happy to admit i still get on Christmas eve! But so far for this trip I am lacking that feeling. I was trying to
remember last year before our wedding day if I was excited for our honeymoon...and all i can remember are silly fears i had and worrying the whole week before. Has all my worry caused my brain to disconnect the "excitement nerve"?
As "adults" (whatever that means)...i think we loose so much of what we had as a child...excitment..imagination...dreams...faith. I still have faith for sure...but its always followed by a "what if". And i remember worrying as a child, but there certainly where not this many what
ifs. I am SICK of "WHAT IF".
I have learned a lot about myself "growing up" and i realize that i am quite
sensitive when it comes to the troubles of this world. I am not able to watch the news or read a newspaper like most can...because i do not have the ability to leave those
stories on the paper or to forget about them when i shut off the television. They stay with me...everyone of them. I'm not sure if its ignorant for me to not know what's going on in the world. I
don't know if its safe to shelter myself from the truth. But i do know that reading my bible instead of watching the news is my first choice. Reading a positive book instead of the newspaper is my second choice. And not watching R rated movies like
I'm 10 yrs old is my third choice.
It seems that i rambled off the "vacation" topic...but i wonder if it is all the same issue. All i am sure of is God's love..and i know and believe with all my heart that "
high above the sky or in the deepest ocean- nothing will ever be able to
separate us from the love of God" Romans 8:39. And that is the Rock i stand on. My Rock Jesus..He is my
excitement...He is my imagination...He is my dream...He is my Faith. And like a child i will look to God....my Father who will not leave me or forsake me..who is Perfect. And i know He will help me reconnect my "
excitement nerve" and disconnect the "what ifs".
Mexican sun here i come...