Thursday, November 17, 2005

A moment to Worship...

After coming across a very disturbing blog that should not even be allowed to be posted.. I needed to take a moment to worship and praise...

…Jesus you have built your home in my heart. It is yours to dwell in forever. I will praise and worship You all of my days. Thank you for saving me from this world. I am yours forever. You have shed Your light upon me and I receive it Eternally. Your grace is abundant in my heart. Your presence is my hiding place. Your mercy... my best friend. Without you I am homeless. My faith is my refuge. Your name is Holy and Your voice as real as the air I breathe. Never leave your home in my love for You will last Forever. I feel better...its a dangerous blog out there...readers beware...I will not even share what I was to disturbing...I wish God didn't even know it existed it's so awful..

Becoming Immune......

I was looking at the moon the other night…WOW! The earth is amazing… it sings God’s praises.. if we just slow down and listen. I mean how can man kind live and breathe here everyday and not notice…I do it too sometimes…it’s like we become immune to our surroundings.

As children we are molded into this fast moving…multi-tasking…compulsive country and its like STOP…look at how Blessed we are, not just as a nation but as a planet. He holds us in the palm of His Mighty Hand and we still think we are in control. I was in awe of the beauty of fall the past few days…how everything in nature works together...they know what season it is…we don’t tell them…doesn’t that amaze anyone…and I know it’s child-like thinking and nothing scientific (not that I agree with science)…but it's so sad to me that we take these simple God breathed things for granted. And I am sure it is sad to Him. He mad all of it for us to enjoy and it’s probably only a glimpse of Heaven…how can we prepare ourselves for Heaven if we don’t even pay attention to the beauty on earth?

Anyway…from this day on I don’t want to be immune to my surroundings. I will look for God’s hand and listen for His voice in everything…not because I am special and He will speak to me because of any other reason then because I love Him and I feel Blessed to know and love His son and our Savior Jesus….

For the Beauty of the Earth….

(My Pastor wrote a song titled that…I wish I had the words to write they are great!!)

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


How crazy is it that at the punch of a password and a quick search we can be connected with someone on the other side of the world...I know I am a little behind and this has been possible for a while now...but really.. have we thought about this Spiritually...God gave us these gifts to create... to invent...He knew at this point in time we would be communicating with eachother with the touch of a key....Don't you think He has a plan?? Anyway my point is if we really thought and prayed about the power we have in email and these blogs to sometimes just represent God...I think we can make a difference in the life of someone we might never even meet or speak to...why am I thinking of this so early in the morning...who knows!!

I beleive that God can use even computers to bring people to Him...and things that sound the most far fetched are things He likes to do most because it again shows He is a God of the impossible!

Friday, November 04, 2005

An Online Diary?

Having a diary in your own house isn't safe...why would we even think of typing our thoughts down on a computer where the whole world has free access to read how not normal we are? Well...I did it anyway! I figure even if no one ever reads has to in some way be theraputic and maybe prayerful. My Pastor's wife, who I love and admire, writes down thoughts, poems, prayers and stories..she has so many notebooks filled with life. She shared a few things with me that blessed my soul and made me realize why she is so grounded in the she pours her heart and soul onto the paper..she is pouring it onto God as well.

We think all day long...and for many sometimes night and day. And sometimes its a Blessing that only God hears our thoughts...and ofcourse depending on the thought maybe we wish He didn't. But I decided that sharing some of my thoughts (it might be only me I am sharing them with) might be another way for God to use me..I have found a few Christian blogs in the past that spoke to my heart or gave me a lift of encouragment to see that others on the walk for Christ do go through some of the same struggles,trials, and have the same JOY. Or if the only reason for this blog is for me to "type" my heart to be it. I know we can pray anytime and He hears us..all we have to do is close our eyes and talk to Him and it is done. But oh the distractions of they slowly creep into your our cell phones manage to ring at that moment. I feel like this is a time with God and even if its just for Him or He uses it for another it brings me closer to Him..and thats the point!